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01684 773883

VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, Ralph (1872-1958)
Concert Chorals Series GMCH007

Catalogue Number: GMCH007

Difficulty level: C What's this?

ISMN: 9790222212794

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Old Hundredth Psalm (Stone)  Pack image
2 Flutes, Oboe, 2 Clarinets in Bb, Bassoon
2 Horns in F, 2 Trumpets in Bb, Trombone, Timpani, Percussion (Bass drum, Side drum, Cymbals)
Strings (Violin 1, Violin 2, Viola or Violin 3, Cello, Bass)
Mixed or Unison Voices (optional)
Piano (optional)

This version can be played by strings only, but the effect conceived by Vaughan Williams will be more nearly met by the inclusion of wind, brass and percussion, particularly trumpets and timpani. Should only two timpani be available alternative notes have been added to make this possible. Vocal resources can be SATB and unison, SATB, or unison voices only. The choral parts are published by Oxford University Press: UNISON - ISBN 0193535092, SATB - ISBN 0193535084. No choral copies are included in the set of parts.
Duration: 5 minutes
A PACK comprises an A4 sized full score plus a complete set of parts including strings 4/4/3/4/2.

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