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Music Publishers - Goodmusic, Roberton Publications, Bardic Edition & Leslie Music Supply

01684 773883

Paul Lewis
Goodmusic GM252

Catalogue Number: GM252

ISMN: 9790222308787

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Two Soliloquies image
Two rhapsodic and improvisatory pieces composed in 1997 for harpist Elizabeth Jane Baldry and revised for publication in 2018.
The second makes use of two three-note motifs representing the initials of dedicatee and composer. Using an extended musical alphabet in which J equals the note C and R is the note D, EJB becomes ECB, the defining notes of a C major seventh chord, and PRL its near mirror image, BDE.
Duration 8½ minutes

Also available in a version for Flute (or Violin), Viola and Harp (GM255)

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