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Percy Grainger
Bardic Edition BDE1233

Catalogue Number: BDE1233

ISMN: 9790502445676

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Arrival platform humlet image
Room Music Tit-Bits No.7 "Arrival Platform Humlet" for solo oboe or massed oboes edited by William Wielgus.
Awaiting arrival of belated train bringing one’s sweetheart from foreign parts; great fun! The sort of thing one hums to oneself as an accompaniment to one’s tramping feet as one happily, excitedly, paces up and down the arrival platform.
Originally conceived for middle-fiddle single [viola], or massed middle-fiddles, or double-reed (oboe or sarrusophone family) single, or massed double-reeds, or as a humlet for a single voice or chorus of voices, the "Arrival Platform Humlet" was begun on Liverpool Street and Victoria railway stations, London (England), on February 2, 1908, and was continued and finished in 1908, 1910 and 1912 (England, Norway, etc.). In 1916 I scored it for orchestra, piano and Deagan percussion instruments as the first movement of my Suite "In A Nutshell". Percy Aldridge Grainger

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