Charles Wilfred OrrShowing results 1 to 8 of 8Sort by Catalogue NumberSort by InstrumentSort by Product Title Lads in Their Hundreds (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238435 01006 £3.50 Two Seventeenth Century Poems (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238442 01007 £3.50 Soldier from the Wars Returning (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238459 01008 £3.50 Tryste Noel (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238466 01009 £3.50 Hymn Before Sleep (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238473 01010 £3.50 In Valleys Green and Still (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238480 01011 £3.50 While Summer On Is Stealing (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222238497 01012 £3.50 Five Songs from A Shropshire Lad (Voice solo (with accompaniment)) Charles Wilfred Orr 9790222239319 01525 £5.00